Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing Management and Market Research at the University of Zaragoza in the Faculty of Economics and Business.
His main research interests revolve around three main lines: the adoption and experience with new technologies, customer experience as a value-creating medium, and responsible consumer behaviour. He has published in academic journals such as Journal of Business Research, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Computers & Education, Journal of Social Marketing and Journal of Services Marketing. In addition, he has received awards for his research activity in different academic forums such as ACEDE and AEMARK.
Address: Facultad de Economía y Empresa. Campus Paraíso. Gran Vía, 2. CP: 50.005, Zaragoza
Phone: 876 554 722
Latest publications:
Pérez López, Raúl; Yrjöla, Mika; Becker, Larissa; Panina, Ekaterina; Saarijärvi, Hannu (2025). “An Experiential Perspective on Uncertainty in Peer-To-Peer Platform Services” Journal of Service Management, en prensa (JCR 2023: 7,8, 28/407 D1 Management).
Lavado-Nalvaiz, Natalia; Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2024). “Can the humanisation of smart home speakers improve users attitude towards covert information collection?”Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 18(4), pp. 648-665 (JCR 2023: 9,6, 13/304 D1 Business).
Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl. (2023). “How can autonomy improve consumer experience when interacting with smart products?” Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 17(1), pp. 19-37 (JCR 2023: 9,6, 13/304 D1 Business).
Fraj Andrés, Elena; Herrando, Carolina; Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2023). “Intention versus behaviour: integration of theories to help curb food waste among young spanish consumers”. British Food Journal, 125(2), pp. 570-586 (JCR 2023: 3,4, 39/173 Q1 Food Science & Technology).
Fraj Andrés, Elena; Herrando, Carolina; Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2023). “Informative initiatives as a useful tool to raise awareness of food waste. An application to higher education”. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 24(4), pp. 840-858 (JCR 2023: 3,0, 83/760 Q1 Education & Educational Research).
Lavado-Nalvaiz, Natalia; Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2022). “The role of the humanisation of smart home speakers in the personalisation–privacy paradox”
REVISTA: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 53(3), 101146 (JCR 2022: 6,0, 33/158 Q1 Computer Science, Information Systems, 54/154 Q2 Business).
Fraj Andrés, Elena; Herrando, Carolina; Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2022). “Students apprehension and affective inertia in a Twitter-based activity: Evidence form students of an economics degree”. The International Journal of Management Education, 20(3), 100683 (JCR 2022: 5,2, 21/267 Q1-Primer decil Education & Educational Research, 71/154 Q2 Business).
Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2021). “Effects of home voice assistants’ autonomy on intrusiveness and usefulness: Direct, indirect and moderating effects of interactivity”. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 56, pp. 41-54 (JCR 2021: 11,318, 10/153 Q1 Business-Primer decil).
Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl; Polo Redondo, Yolanda (2021). “Antecedents and consequences of stress in retailing: environmental expectations and promoter scoring”. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 49(5), pp. 616-635 (JCR 2021: 4,743, 109/226 Q2 Management).
Lucia Palacios, Laura; Bordonaba-Juste, Victoria; Pérez López, Raúl (2021). “Consumer-to-consumer reselling adoption among European countries: differences between old and young millennials”. Service Business, 15(2), pp. 253-279 (JCR 2021: 5,236, 73/154 Q2 Business).
Ibáñez Lobato, Aldara; Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2021). “What characteristics of Smart home speakers should companies invest in? Differences between actual and potential users”. UCJC Business and Society Review, 18(1), 128-165 (SJR 2021: 0,210, 237/351 Q3 General Business, Management and Accounting)
Bordonaba-Juste, V., Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. (2020). “Generational differences in valuing usefulness, privacy and security: negative experiences and paying for cloud services”, Information Systems and E-Business Management, 18, pp. 35-60. JCR 2019: 1,968, 102/152 Q3 Business.
Bravo, R., Melero-Polo, I., Pérez-López, R. (2020). “Shopping resorts as vehicles of city marketing: the case of Puerto Venecia”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 16, pp. 187-194. SJR 2019: 0,279, 119/195 Q3 Marketing.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. (2020). “Reducing resistance to repeating a wiki activity: what can teachers do?”, British Journal of Educational Technology, JCR 2019: 2,951, 31/243 Q1 Education and Educational Research.
Lucia-Palacios, L.; Pérez-López, R., Polo Redondo, Y. (2020). “Does stress matter in mall experience and customer satisfaction?”, Journal of Services Marketing, 34 (2), pp. 177-191. JCR 2019: 3,195, 59/152 Q2 Business.
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R., Polo-Redondo, Y. (2020). “How situational circumstances modify the effects of frontline employees’ competences on customer satisfaction with the store”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, en prensa. JCR 2019: 4,219, 39/152 Q2 Business.
Pérez-López, R., Gurrea-Sarasa, R., Herrando, C., Martín-de-Hoyos, M.J. Bordonaba-Juste, V. Utrillas Acerete, A. (2020). “The generation of student engagement as a cognition-affect-behaviour process in a Twitter learning experience”, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, en prensa. JCR 2019: 1,468, 95/263 Q2 Education and Educational Research.
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R., Polo-Redondo, Y. (2020). “How situational circumstances modify the effects of frontline employees’ competences on customer satisfaction with the store”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, en prensa. JCR 2018: 3,585, Q2 Business.
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. y Polo-Redondo, Y. (2018). “Can social support alleviate stress while shopping in crowded retail environments?“ Journal of Business Research, 90, pp. 141-150.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Lucia-Palacios, L. y Pérez-López, R. (2018). “How extroversion affects student attitude toward the combined use of a wiki and video recording of group presentations“,Computers and Education, 119, pp. 31-43.
Lucia, L., Pérez-López, R. y Polo-Redondo, Y. (en prensa). “Environmental Excitement and Customer-related Characteristics: Incidental Moods, Gender and Frequency of Visit A Study of Young Shoppers“, Journal of Strategic Marketing, disponible online
Bravo, R., Melero-Polo, I. y Pérez-López (en prensa). “Shopping resorts as vehicles of city marketing: The case of Puerto Venecia”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy.
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. y Polo-Redondo, Y. (2016). “Cognitive, affective and behavioural responses in mall experience: a qualitative approach“, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 44(1), pp. 4-21 (SJR 2016: 0,472, Q2 Marketing).
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. y Polo-Redondo, Y. (2016). “Enemies of cloud services usage: inertia and switching costs”, Service Business, 10(2), pp. 447-467.
Book chapters:
Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2020). “The online reselling expeirence. A conceptual model and research agenda”, en Trespalacos Gutiérrez, Juan A., Estrada Alonso, Eduardo y González Mieres, Celina, Buscando nuevos enfoques de marketing para afrontar los cambios, pp. 185-205, KRK Ediciones: Oviedo, España
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. y Polo-Redondo, Y. (2014). “Las respuestas cognitivas y afectivas del consumidor ante el número de personas presentes en el centro comercial. Una aproximación cualitativa“, en Vázquez, R., Trespalacios, J.A., Estrada, E. y González, C.,Experiencia y Comportamiento del Cliente en un Entorno Multicanal: Claves de Éxito para Fabricantes y Detallistas, pp. 109-126. KRK Ediciones: Oviedo, España.
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. y Polo-Redondo, Y. (2013). “La expereincia en el centro comercial: una revisión de la literatura”, en Vázquez, R., Trespalacios, J.A. y González, C., Estrategias de Distribución y Comportamiento de Compra Multicanal: Tendencias y Oportunidades para que Fabricante y Distribuidor Rentabilicen sus Decisiones de Marketing, pp. 77-94. KRK Ediciones: Oviedo, España.
Subjects taught:
- Principles of Marketing (1ºGADEi) and Introduction to Marketing (1ºGADE).
- Marketing Research I (3ºGMIM).
- Introduction to Marketing Research (2nd GADEi).
- Commercial Management (3rd GADEi).
- Theoretical Bases of Marketing (Master in Management, Strategy and Marketing).
- Relationship Management and Customer Value (Master in Management, Strategy and Marketing).
- Internal and External Marketing Results (Master in Management, Strategy and Marketing).