
About Grupo Generés

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So far Grupo Generés has created 4 blog entries.

I Virtual International Workshop

By |2022-11-03T23:48:20+00:002 de June de 2021|Activities|

I Virtual International Workshop "Smart service innovation along the customer journey in the new era of technology."On May 31, the I International Workshop entitled "Innovation in smart services along the customer journey in the new era of technology" was held, organized by the Generés Group, the University of Zaragoza, the University of Oporto and the Pablo de Olavide University . WORKSHOP SUMMARY

I International Workshop CTCEX 2021 (7th and 8th October 2021)

By |2022-11-04T12:37:39+00:0011 de May de 2021|Activities|

This year we invite you to participate in the I International Workshop on Current Trends in Customer Experience in the Retail and Services Industries (CTCEX 2021), which will be held online on October 7 and 8, 2021 and will be free for all attendees. This workshop is organized by the University of Zaragoza and the Generés Research Group, and is aimed at all those researchers interested in new trends in customer experience in the retail and services industries. MORE INFORMATION Lorem ipsum minim mazim utroque mei ne. No sit ullum atomorum assueverit, altera [...]

International Workshop on Gamification and Motivational Technologies (GAMOTEC 2021)

By |2021-04-12T12:32:33+00:0012 de April de 2021|Activities|

On September 7 and 8, 2021, the International Workshop on Gamification and Motivational Technologies (GAMOTEC 2021) will be held. This workshop is organized by the University of Zaragoza and the Generés Research Group, addressing all those researchers interested in research on Gamification and Motivational Technologies. Due to the current health situation, it will be held online and participation will be free. MORE INFORMATION

Research Seminar September 27, 2019

By |2019-09-25T14:20:25+00:0025 de September de 2019|Activities|

11:30-12:30. Pablo de Andrés (UAM y ECGI). The gender gap and bank credit access 13:00-14:00. Álvaro Rezola (UAM). New ways to set data up for research. The case of crowdfunding (platforms and blockchain) Viernes 27 de septiembre de 2019 Sala de Juntas de Biblioteca Colaboran:   Ministerio de Economía y Empresa, proyecto ECO2017-85451-R Gobierno de Aragón (Grupo de investigación Generés) DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT

Contact Info

Faculty of Economics and Business
University of Zaragoza
Gran Vía, 2 · 50005 Zaragoza

Phone: +34 976 761 000

Fax: +34 976 100 000

Web: generes.unizar.es

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