Paula Bitrián Arcas is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Zaragoza.
Her research focuses on the use of gamification in different contexts. Her work has been published in international journals such as Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Bank Marketing and The International Journal of Management Education, among others, and has been presented in key conferences, such as EMAC, AEMARK and ACEDE.
Address: Facultad de Economía y Empresa. Campus Paraíso. Gran Vía, 2. CP: 50005, Zaragoza
External phone number: 876 554 636
Journal articles:
Bitrián, P., Buil, I., Catalán, S. y Merli, D. (2024), “Gamification in workforce training: improving employees’ self-efficacy and information security and data protection behaviours”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 179.
Bitrián, S., Buil, I., Catalán, S., y Hatfield, S. (2023), “The use of gamification strategies to enhance employees’ attitudes towards e-training systems”, International Journal of Management Education, Vol. 21 (3).
Bitrián, P., Buil, I. y Catalán, S. (2023), “The motivational power of mobile gamified exercise apps”, Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión, Vol. 23 (2), pp. 21-36.
Bitrián, P., Catalán, S., and Marchan, J. (2022). “Boosting brand engagement and loyalty through gamified loyalty programmes”, UCJC Business and Society Review, Vol. 19, 75.
Bitrián, P., Buil, I., and Catalán, S. (2021). Enhancing user engagement: The role of gamification in mobile apps, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 132, pp. 170-185.
Bitrián, P., Buil, I., & Catalán, S. (2021). Making finance fun: the gamification of personal financial management apps, International Journal of Bank Marketing.
Bitrián, P., Buil, I., and Catalán, S. (2020). Gamification in sport apps: The determinants of users’ motivation, European Journal of Management and Business Economics, Vol. 29(3), pp. 365-381.
Bitrián, P., Buil, I., and Catalán, S. (2020). Flow and business simulation games: A typology of students, The International Journal of Management Education, Vol. 18 (1), pp. 100365.
Book chapters:
Bitrián, P. y Catalán, S. (2023). ¡Free-riders, no! Implantación de un sistema para la evaluación de la participación en un equipo de trabajo. Buenas Prácticas en la docencia universitaria con apoyo de TIC: experiencias en 2022 (pp. 27- 33). Universidad de Zaragoza. ISBN 978-84-1340-668-8
Bitrián, P. y Catalán, S. (2021). Resultados de una experiencia con Socrative: efectos sobre el engagement y el aprendizaje. Buenas Prácticas en la docencia universitaria con apoyo de TIC: experiencias en 2020 (pp. 129- 136). Universidad de Zaragoza. ISBN 9788413403427
Bitrián, P. and Catalán, S. (2019). “La gamificación en apps de deporte”, Comunicación e Información Digital S20-08.
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration:
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (in English):
Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and Market Research
- Introduction to Market Research
- Commercial Simulation
- Introduction to Marketing
- Pricing
Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and Accounting: