Blanca Isabel Hernández Ortega


Blanca I. Hernandez holds a Associate Professor from the University of Zaragoza and is a University Professor in the area of Commercialization and Market Research at the University of Zaragoza.

Her research focuses on the field of new information technologies and electronic commerce, dealing with topics such as the acceptance and dissemination of innovations, electronic invoicing, the co-creation of experiences between individuals and the generation of engagement.

She is currently Vice-Dean of Students and Employment of the Faculty of Economics and Business and Director of the APL Chair, from Logistics Planning and Management.

Address: Faculty of Economics and Business (Campus Río Ebro), Lorenzo Normante Building, María de Luna s/n, CP:50018, Zaragoza
E-mail: bhernand@unizar.es


Most relevant publications:

B Hernández-Ortega, H San Martín, Á Herrero, JL Franco (2020), “What, how and when? Exploring the influence of firm-generated content on popularity in a tourism destination context”, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Vol. 18, in press.

B Hernandez-Ortega (2020), “What about “U”? The influence of positive online consumer reviews on the individual’s perception of consumption benefits”, Online Information Review, in press.

Á Herrero, B Hernández-Ortega, H San Martín (2020), “Potential funders’ motivations in reward-based crowdfunding. The influence of project attachment and business viability”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 106, in press.

B Hernández-Ortega (2020), “When the performance comes into play: The influence of positive online consumer reviews on individuals’ post-consumption responses”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 113, in press.

H San Martín, B Hernández, Á Herrero (2020), “Social Consciousness and Perceived Risk as Drivers of Crowdfunding as a Socially Responsible Investment in Tourism”, Journal of Travel Research, in press.

L Chavez, C Ruiz, R Curras, B Hernandez (2020), “The Role of Travel Motivations and Social Media Use in Consumer Interactive Behaviour: A Uses and Gratifications Perspective”, Sustainability, Vol. 12 No. 21, in press.

J Borraz-Mora, B Hernandez-Ortega, M Melguizo-Garde (2020), “The influence of generic-academic competences on satisfaction and loyalty: the view of two key actors in higher education”, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, Vol. 42 No. 5, 563-578.

M Guinaliu-Blasco, B Hernández-Ortega, JL Franco (2019), “The effect of cognitive absorption on marketing learning performance”, Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, Vol. 23 No. 2, 249-271.

B Hernandez-Ortega (2019) “Not so positive, please! Effects of online consumer reviews on evaluations during the decision-making process”, Internet Research, Vol. 29 No. 4, pp. 606-637.

B Hernández-Ortega, JL Franco (2019) “Developing a new conceptual framework for experience and value creation”, Service Business, Vol.13 No. 2, 225-248.

Bigne, E., Andreu, L., Hernandez, B. y Ruiz, C. (2018) “The impact of social media and offline influences on consumer behaviour. An analysis of the low-cost airline industry”, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol. 21(9), 1014-1032.

Hernández, B. (2018), “Don’t believe strangers: Online consumer reviews and the role of social psychological distance“Information & Management, Vol. 55(1), 31-50.

Hernandez-Ortega, B., Aldas-Manzano, J., Ruiz-Mafe, C., y Sanz-Blas, S. (2017), “Perceived value of advanced mobile messaging services: A cross-cultural comparison of Greek and Spanish users”, Information Technology & People, Vol. 30(2), 324-355.

Blasco-Arcas, L., Hernandez-Ortega, B. I., y Jimenez-Martinez, J. (2016), “Engagement platforms: The role of emotions in fostering customer engagement and brand image in interactive media”,Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Vol. 26(5), 559-589.

Bigné Alcañiz, E., Ruiz Mafé, C., Andreu Simó, L. y Hernández Ortega, B. (2015), “The role of social motivations, ability and opportunity in online know-how exchanges: Evidence from the airlines services industry”. Service Business, Vol. 9(2), 209-232.

Sanz Blas, S., Ruiz Mafé, C., Pérez Pérez, I., y Hernández Ortega, B. (2014), <a “href=”http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0121-50512014000400011″” target=”_blank” style=”color: rgb(41, 112, 166); text-decoration: none;” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>“The Influence of Culture on Behavior in the Purchase of Online Tourist Products: The Case of Spain and Mexico”, Innovar, Vol. 24(54), 153-165.

Hernández, B., Serrano, C., Gómez, F. (2014),“ The firm’s continuance intentions to use inter-organizational ICTs: The influence of contingency factors and perceptions”Information & Management , Vol. 51 (6), 747-761

Blasco, L., Hernández, B. y Jiménez, J. (2014), “The online purchase as a context for co-creating experiences: drivers of and consequences for customer behavior”Internet ResearchVol. 24(3), 393-412.

Blasco-Arcas, L., Hernández-Ortega, B. y Jiménez-Martínez, J. (2014), “Collaborating online: the role of interactivity and personalization”, The Service Industries JournalVol. 34(8), 677-698.

Blasco-Arcas, L., Hernández-Ortega, B. y Jiménez-Martínez, J. (2013),”Adopting televisión as a new channel for e-commerce. The influence of interactive technologies on consumer behavior“,  Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 13, 457-475.

Blasco-Arcas, L. , Buil, I. , Hernández-Ortega y Sesé, F.J. (2013) “Using clickers in class. The role of interactivity, active collaborative learning and engagement in learning performance”Computers and Education, Vol.62, 102-110.

Hernández, B. y Jiménez, J. (2013) “Performance of e-Invoicing in Spanish Firms”, Information Systems and e-Business Management, Vol.11(3), 457-480.

Ruiz-Mafe, C., Sanz-Blas, S., Hernández-Ortega, B., Brethouwer, M. (2013) “Key drivers of consumer purchase of airline tickets: A cross-cultural analysis”. Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol.27, 11-14.

Buil, I., Hernández, B., Sesé, J., y Urquizu, P. (2012), “Los foros de discusión y sus beneficios en la docencia virtual: recomendaciones para un uso eficiente”, Innovar, Vol.22(43), 131-144.

Hernández, B. (2012), “Key factors for the adoption and subsequent use of e-invoicing”, Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración (ARLA), Vol.50.

Hernández, B. (2011), “The role of post-use trust in the acceptance of a technology: Drivers and consequences”, Technovation, Vol. 31 (10-11), 523-538.

Hernández, B., Montaner, T., Sesé, J. y Urquizu, P. (2011), “The role of social motivations in e-learning: How do they affect usage and success of ICT interactive tools?”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 7(6), 2224-2232.

Blasco, L., Aznar, J.I., Hernández, B., y Ruiz, J. (2011), “IPTV as a services distribution channer: The importance of interactivity and personalization in the purchasing of news-on-demand packages”, Industrial Management and Data Systems,Vol. 11(9), 1381-1398.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2011), “Age, Gender and Income: Do they Really Moderate Online Shopping Behavior?”, Online Information Review, Vol. 35 (1), 113-133.

Bigné, E., Hernández, B., Ruiz, C., y Andreu, L. (2010), “How motivation, opportunity and ability drive online airline ticket purchases”, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 16 (6), 346-349.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2010), “The Influence of Website Quality on its traffic rank. The Case of e-Banking in Spain”, Information Research, Vol.15 (2), paper 429.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J., y Martín, M.J. (2010), “Business management software in high-tech firms: The case of the IT services sector”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 25, (2), 132-146.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2010), “Customer Behavior in Electronic Commerce: The Moderating Effect of e-Purchasing Experience”, Journal of Business Research Vol. 63 (9-10), 964-971.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2009), “Key Website Factors in e-Business Strategy”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 29 (5), 362-371.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2009), “The Impact of Self-Efficacy, Ease of Use and Usefulness on e-Purchasing: An Analysis of Experienced e-Shoppers”, Interacting with Computers, Vol. 21 (1-2), 146-156.

Hernández, B. y Serrano, C. (2009), “¿Qué induce a las empresas a adoptar facturación electrónica? Efecto de las percepciones y del entorno competitivo”, Universia Business Review, Vol. 24, 96-121.

Hernández, B.; Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2009), “Future use intentions versus intensity of use: An analysis of corporate technology acceptance”, ” Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 38, 338-354.

Hernández, B.; Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2009), “Adoption vs Acceptance of e-Commerce: Two Different Decisions”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 43 (9), 1232-1245.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J., y Martín, M.J. (2008), “Differences between potential, new and experienced e-customers: analysis of e-purchasing behavior”, Internet Research, Vol. 18 (3), 248-265.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2008), “Extending the  Technology Acceptance Model to Include the IT Decision-Maker: A  Study of Business Management Software”, Technovation, Vol. 28 (3), 112-121.


Bachelor’s Degree Subjects:

Degree in Finance and Accounting:

Degree in Marketing and Market Research:

Postgraduate Subjects:

Master’s Degree in Management, Strategy and Marketing

Master’s Degree in Production and Logistics Operations-ERP

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