Elena Fraj-Andrés holds a PhD from the University of Zaragoza and is a Associate Professor in Marketing at the University of Zaragoza.
Her main research focuses on the field of ecological consumer behavior, environmental marketing strategy, and the social responsibility of marketing in education.
The results of her research have been presented at important discussion forums in the area of marketing and published in national and international journals such as Journal of Consumer Marketing, International Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Business Strategy and the Environment, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing; Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing; Tourism Management; Computers & Education y The International Journal of Management Education, among others.
Address: Facultad de Economía y Empresa (Campus Paraíso), C/ Gran Vía 2, 50005 Zaragoza.
External Phone: 876 554 732 (Internal Extension: 84 4732)
Most relevant publications:
Fraj-Andrés, E; Herrando, C.; Lucia, L. y Pérez, R. (2023). “Intention versus behaviour: Integration of theories to help curb food waste among young Spanish consumers”, British Food Journal, Vol. 125 (2), pp. 250-286.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Herrando, C.; Lucia, L. y Pérez, R. (2023). “Informative initiatives as a useful tool to raise awareness of food waste. An application to higher education”, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 24 (4), 840-858.
Ribeiro-Alves, R., Gonçalves-Jacovine, L. A., Brandi-Nardelli, A. M., Lopes-Da Silva, M., y Fraj-Andrés, E. (2023). Consumo Verde: Comportamento do consumidor responsável, 2ª Ed., Editorial: Da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), ISBN: 9786559250677, Brasil.
Fraj-Andrés, E, Herrando, C.; Lucia, L. y Pérez, R. (2022). “Students Apprehension and Affective Inertia in a Twitter-Based Activity: Evidence form students of an Economics Degree”, The International Journal of Management Education, Vol. 20 (3), 100683,
Fraj-Andrés, E., Lucia, L. y Pérez, R. (2020). “Reducing Resistance to Repeating a Wiki Activity: What Can Teachers Do?”, British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 56 (6), pp. 2286-2305.
Alves, R. R., Fraj-Andrés, E., Rojo-Alboreca, A. y Gracioli, C. R. (2019): “Implementation of Forest Certification in Brazil, Spain and Portugal: An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Application”, International Forestry Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, 11-22.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Lucia, L. y Pérez, R. (2018), “How extroversion affects student attitude toward the combined use of a wiki and video recording of group presentations”, Computers & Education ,Vol. 119, 31-43.
Orús, C., Barlés, M. J., Belanche, D., Fraj-Andrés, E. y Gurrea, R. (2016), “The effects of learner-generated videos for YouTube on learning outcomes and satisfaction”, Computers & Education , Vol. 95, 254-269.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Matute, J. y Melero, I. (2015) “Environmental strategies and organizational competitiveness in the hotel industry: The role of learning and innovation as determinants of environmental success”, Tourism Management, Vol.46, 30-42. https://10.1016/j.tourman.2014.05.009.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Melero, I. y Matute, J. (2013) “El aprendizaje y la innovación como determinantes del desarrollo de una capacidad de gestión medioambiental proactiva”. Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de Empresas, Vol.16(3), 180-194.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Martínez, E., y Matute, J. (2013) “Green marketing in B2B organizations: An empirical analysis from the natural-resource-based view of the firm”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol.28(5), 396-410.
Barlés, M.J., Fraj-Andrés, E. y Martínez, E. (2013) “Purchase decision-making in the couple. Conflict-Solving Tactics”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 4(6), 28-43.
Barlés, M.J., Fraj-Andrés, E. y Martínez, E. (2013) “Family vacation decision making: The role of woman“, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol.30, 873-890.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Matute, J. y Rueda, A. (2012) “Hacia un modelo integrador de los antecedentes y consecuencias de la proactividad medioambiental en las organizaciones”, INNOVAR, Journal of Administrative and Social Sciences, Vol. 22 (3), 179-195.
Fraj-Andrés, E., López, M.E., Melero, I. y Vázquez, R. (2012) “Company Image and Corporate Social Responsibility: Talking with SME Managers”, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol.30 (2), 266-280.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Martínez, E. y Matute, J. (2011) “Green marketing strategy and the firm´s performance: the moderating role of environmental culture”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol.19 (4), 335-351.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Martínez E., y Matute, J. (2011) “Marketing y medio ambiente: una aproximación a la situación de la industria española”. Universia Business Review, Vol.31, 156-183.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Martínez, E. y Matute, J. (2009) “A multidimensional approach to the influence of environmental marketing and orientation on the firm’s organizational performance”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 88 (2), 263-286.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Martínez, E. y Matute, J. (2009) “Factors Affecting corporate environmental strategy in Spanish industrial firms”, Business Strategy and the environment, Vol. 18, 500-514.
Buil, I.; Fraj-Andrés, E. y Matute, J. (2008). “Corporate Environmentalism Strategy in the Spanish Consumer Product Sector: A Typology of firms”. Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 17, pp. 350-368
Bachelor’s Degree Subjects:
Degree in Business Administration and Management:
Degree in Economics:
Degree in Marketing and Market Research:
Postgraduate Subjects:
Master’s Degree in Management, Strategy and Marketing