Profesor Titular de Universidad del Departamento de Dirección de Marketing e Investigación de Mercados de la Universidad de Zaragoza en la Facultad de Economía y Empresa.
Sus principales intereses de investigación giran en torno a tres líneas principales: la adopción y experiencia con nuevas tecnologías, la experiencia del cliente como medio creador de valor, y el comportamiento del consumidor responsable. Ha publicado en revistas académicas como Journal of Business Research, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Computers & Education, Journal of Social Marketing y Journal of Services Marketing. Además, ha recibido premios a su actividad investigadora en diferentes foros académicos como ACEDE y AEMARK.
Dirección: Facultad de Economía y Empresa. Campus Paraíso. Gran Vía, 2. CP: 50.005, Zaragoza
Teléfono Externo: 876 554 722
Artículos académicos:
Pérez López, Raúl; Yrjöla, Mika; Becker, Larissa; Panina, Ekaterina; Saarijärvi, Hannu (2025). “An Experiential Perspective on Uncertainty in Peer-To-Peer Platform Services” Journal of Service Management, en prensa (JCR 2023: 7,8, 28/407 D1 Management).
Lavado-Nalvaiz, Natalia; Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2024). “Can the humanisation of smart home speakers improve users attitude towards covert information collection?”Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 18(4), pp. 648-665 (JCR 2023: 9,6, 13/304 D1 Business).
Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl. (2023). “How can autonomy improve consumer experience when interacting with smart products?” Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 17(1), pp. 19-37 (JCR 2023: 9,6, 13/304 D1 Business).
Fraj Andrés, Elena; Herrando, Carolina; Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2023). “Intention versus behaviour: integration of theories to help curb food waste among young spanish consumers”. British Food Journal, 125(2), pp. 570-586 (JCR 2023: 3,4, 39/173 Q1 Food Science & Technology).
Fraj Andrés, Elena; Herrando, Carolina; Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2023). “Informative initiatives as a useful tool to raise awareness of food waste. An application to higher education”. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 24(4), pp. 840-858 (JCR 2023: 3,0, 83/760 Q1 Education & Educational Research).
Lavado-Nalvaiz, Natalia; Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2022). “The role of the humanisation of smart home speakers in the personalisation–privacy paradox”
REVISTA: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 53(3), 101146 (JCR 2022: 6,0, 33/158 Q1 Computer Science, Information Systems, 54/154 Q2 Business).
Fraj Andrés, Elena; Herrando, Carolina; Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2022). “Students apprehension and affective inertia in a Twitter-based activity: Evidence form students of an economics degree”. The International Journal of Management Education, 20(3), 100683 (JCR 2022: 5,2, 21/267 Q1-Primer decil Education & Educational Research, 71/154 Q2 Business).
Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2021). “Effects of home voice assistants’ autonomy on intrusiveness and usefulness: Direct, indirect and moderating effects of interactivity”. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 56, pp. 41-54 (JCR 2021: 11,318, 10/153 Q1 Business-Primer decil).
Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl; Polo Redondo, Yolanda (2021). “Antecedents and consequences of stress in retailing: environmental expectations and promoter scoring”. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 49(5), pp. 616-635 (JCR 2021: 4,743, 109/226 Q2 Management).
Lucia Palacios, Laura; Bordonaba-Juste, Victoria; Pérez López, Raúl (2021). “Consumer-to-consumer reselling adoption among European countries: differences between old and young millennials”. Service Business, 15(2), pp. 253-279 (JCR 2021: 5,236, 73/154 Q2 Business).
Ibáñez Lobato, Aldara; Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2021). “What characteristics of Smart home speakers should companies invest in? Differences between actual and potential users”. UCJC Business and Society Review, 18(1), 128-165 (SJR 2021: 0,210, 237/351 Q3 General Business, Management and Accounting)
Bordonaba-Juste, V., Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. (2020). «Generational differences in valuing usefulness, privacy and security: negative experiences and paying for cloud services», Information Systems and E-Business Management, 18, pp. 35-60. JCR 2019: 1,968, 102/152 Q3 Business.
Bravo, R., Melero-Polo, I., Pérez-López, R. (2020). «Shopping resorts as vehicles of city marketing: the case of Puerto Venecia», Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 16, pp. 187-194. SJR 2019: 0,279, 119/195 Q3 Marketing.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. (2020). «Reducing resistance to repeating a wiki activity: what can teachers do?», British Journal of Educational Technology, JCR 2019: 2,951, 31/243 Q1 Education and Educational Research.
Lucia-Palacios, L.; Pérez-López, R., Polo Redondo, Y. (2020). «Does stress matter in mall experience and customer satisfaction?», Journal of Services Marketing, 34 (2), pp. 177-191. JCR 2019: 3,195, 59/152 Q2 Business.
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R., Polo-Redondo, Y. (2020). «How situational circumstances modify the effects of frontline employees’ competences on customer satisfaction with the store», Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, en prensa. JCR 2019: 4,219, 39/152 Q2 Business.
Pérez-López, R., Gurrea-Sarasa, R., Herrando, C., Martín-de-Hoyos, M.J. Bordonaba-Juste, V. Utrillas Acerete, A. (2020). «The generation of student engagement as a cognition-affect-behaviour process in a Twitter learning experience», Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, en prensa. JCR 2019: 1,468, 95/263 Q2 Education and Educational Research.
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R., Polo-Redondo, Y. (2020). «How situational circumstances modify the effects of frontline employees’ competences on customer satisfaction with the store», Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, en prensa. JCR 2018: 3,585, Q2 Business.
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. y Polo-Redondo, Y. (2018). “Can social support alleviate stress while shopping in crowded retail environments?“ Journal of Business Research, 90, pp. 141-150.
Fraj-Andrés, E., Lucia-Palacios, L. y Pérez-López, R. (2018). “How extroversion affects student attitude toward the combined use of a wiki and video recording of group presentations“,Computers and Education, 119, pp. 31-43.
Lucia, L., Pérez-López, R. y Polo-Redondo, Y. (en prensa). “Environmental Excitement and Customer-related Characteristics: Incidental Moods, Gender and Frequency of Visit A Study of Young Shoppers“, Journal of Strategic Marketing, disponible online
Bravo, R., Melero-Polo, I. y Pérez-López (en prensa). “Shopping resorts as vehicles of city marketing: The case of Puerto Venecia”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy.
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. y Polo-Redondo, Y. (2016). “Cognitive, affective and behavioural responses in mall experience: a qualitative approach“, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 44(1), pp. 4-21 (SJR 2016: 0,472, Q2 Marketing).
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. y Polo-Redondo, Y. (2016). “Enemies of cloud services usage: inertia and switching costs”, Service Business, 10(2), pp. 447-467.
Capítulos de libro:
Lucia Palacios, Laura; Pérez López, Raúl (2020). “The online reselling expeirence. A conceptual model and research agenda”, en Trespalacos Gutiérrez, Juan A., Estrada Alonso, Eduardo y González Mieres, Celina, Buscando nuevos enfoques de marketing para afrontar los cambios, pp. 185-205, KRK Ediciones: Oviedo, España
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. y Polo-Redondo, Y. (2014). “Las respuestas cognitivas y afectivas del consumidor ante el número de personas presentes en el centro comercial. Una aproximación cualitativa“, en Vázquez, R., Trespalacios, J.A., Estrada, E. y González, C.,Experiencia y Comportamiento del Cliente en un Entorno Multicanal: Claves de Éxito para Fabricantes y Detallistas, pp. 109-126. KRK Ediciones: Oviedo, España.
Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R. y Polo-Redondo, Y. (2013). “La expereincia en el centro comercial: una revisión de la literatura”, en Vázquez, R., Trespalacios, J.A. y González, C., Estrategias de Distribución y Comportamiento de Compra Multicanal: Tendencias y Oportunidades para que Fabricante y Distribuidor Rentabilicen sus Decisiones de Marketing, pp. 77-94. KRK Ediciones: Oviedo, España.
Asignaturas impartidas:
- Principles of Marketing (1ºGADEi) e Introducción al Marketing (1ºGADE).
- Investigación de Mercados I (3ºGMIM).
- Introduction to Marketing Research (2ºGADEi).
- Dirección Comercial (3ºGADE).
- Bases Teóricas de Marketing (Máster en Dirección, Estrategia y Marketing).
- Gestión de Relaciones y Valor del Cliente (Máster en Dirección, Estrategia y Marketing).
- Resultados del Marketing Interno y Externo (Máster en Dirección, Estrategia y Marketing).