

Profesora Titular de Universidad en el Departamento de Dirección de Marketing e Investigación de Mercados de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa.

Su investigación se centra principalmente en el estudio de estrategias de recuperación de servicio, de estrategias multicanal, así como en el análisis de las consecuencias que se derivan de las interacciones cliente-empresa. Sus trabajos se han presentado en importantes foros de discusión nacionales e internacionales como AEMARK, ACEDE, EIRASS o EMAC. También ha publicado sus estudios en revistas nacionales e internacionales como Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing y Tourism Management, entre otras.

Dirección: Facultad de Economía y Empresa. Campus Paraíso. Gran Vía, 2. CP: 50005, Zaragoza


Publicaciones relevantes:

Gao, L. X., de Haan, E., Melero-Polo, I., & Sese, F. J. (2022) “Winning your customers’ minds and hearts: Disentangling the effects of lock-in and affective customer experience on retention”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-38.

Gao, L. X., Melero-Polo, I., Ruz-Mendoza, M. Á., & Trifu, A. (2022) “Exploring the role of service touchpoints on the path to financial, behavioral and relational customer outcomes: insights from a B2B service context”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, ahead-of-print.

Cambra-Fierro, J., Gao, L., López-Pérez, M. E., & Melero-Polo, I. (2022) “How do macro-environmental factors impact customer experience? A refined typology, integrative framework, and implications”, The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 42(9-10), pp. 653-687.

Cambra-Fierro, J., Gao, L., Melero-Polo, I., & Patrício, L. (2022) “Theories, constructs, and methodologies to study COVID-19 in the service industries”, The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 42(7-8), pp. 551-582.

Cambra-Fierro, J., Gao, L. X., Melero-Polo, I., & Trifu, A. (2021) “How do firms handle variability in customer experience? A dynamic approach to better understanding customer retention”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 61, 102578.

Ruz-Mendoza, M. A., Cambra-Fierro, I. Melero-Polo, and Trifu, A. (2021) “Standardized vs. customized firm-initiated interactions: Their effect on customer gratitude and performance in a B2B context”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 133, pp. 341-353.

Cambra-Fierro, L (Xuehui). Gao and I. Melero-Polo (2021) “The Power of Social Influence and Customer–Firm Interactions in Predicting Non-transactional Behaviors, Immediate Customer Profitability, and Long-term Customer Value”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 125, pp. 103-119.

J. Cambra-Fierro, I. Melero-Polo, L. Patrício y F. Javier Sese (2020) “Channel Habits and the Development of Successful Customer-Firm Relationships in Services”, Journal of Service Research

L (Xuehui). Gao, I. Melero-Polo y F. Javier Sese (2020) “Customer Equity Drivers, Customer Experience Quality, and Customer Profitability in Banking Services: The Moderating Role of Social Influence”, Journal of Service Research

L (Xuehui). Gao, I. Melero-Polo y F. Javier Sese (2019) “Multichannel Integration along the Customer Journey: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda”, The Service Industries Journal

J. Cambra-Fierro, L (Xuehui). Gao, I. Melero-Polo y F. Javier Sese (2019) “What Drives Customers’ Active Participation in the Online Channel? Customer Equity, Experience Quality, and Relationship Proneness”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, (in press), 100855

Matute, J. y Melero, I. (2019) “Understanding online business simulation games: the role of flow experience, perceived enjoyment and personal innovativeness”, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 35 (3).

Cambra, J., Melero, I. y Sese, F. J. (2018) “Customer value co-creation over the relationship life cycle”, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Vol. 28(3), 336-355.

Cambra, J., Melero, I., Sese, F. J. y van Doorn, J. (2018) “Customer-Firm Interactions and the Path to Profitability: A Chain-of-Effects Model”, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 21 (2), 201-218.

Cambra, J., Melero, I., Sese, F. J. (2017), “Online Customer Initiated Contacts and the Development of Profitable Relationships”Electronic Commerce Research and Applications , Vol. 26, pp. 13-22.

López, M.E., Melero-Polo, I. y Sese, F.J. (2017) “Management for Sustainable Development and Its Impact on Firm Value in the SME Context: Does Size Matter?”, Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 26(7), 985-999.

López, M.E., Melero-Polo, I. y Sese, F.J. (2017) “Does specific CSR training for managers impact shareholder value? Implications for education in sustainable development”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Vol. 24(5), 435-448.

Matute-Vallejo, J. y Melero-Polo, I. (2016) “Aprender jugando: la utilización de simuladores empresariales en el aula universitaria”, Universia Business Review, Vol. 13, núm. 2, págs. 72-111.

Melero-Polo, I, Sese, F.J. y Verhoef, P. (2016) “Recasting the customer experience in today’s omni-channel environment”, Universia Business Review, Vol. 13, núm. 2, págs. 18-37.

Cambra, Jesus; Kamakura,Wagner A; Melero, Iguacel and Sese, F. Javier (2016), “Are multichannel customers really more valuable? An analysis of banking services,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 33(1), 208-212.

Cambra, Jesús; Melero, Iguácel, y Sese, F. Javier (2016) “Can complaint-handling efforts promote customer engagement?” Service Business, Vol. 10(4), 847-866.

Cambra, Jesús; Melero, Iguácel, y Sese, F. Javier (2015) “Managing Complaints to Improve Customer Profitability”Journal of Retailing Vol. 91 (1), págs. 109-124.

Fraj, E., Matute, J. y Melero, I. (2015). “Environmental strategies and organizational competitiveness in the hotel industry: The role of learning and innovation as determinants of environmental success”Tourism Management, Vol.46, págs. 30-42.

Cambra, J., Melero, I. y Sesé, F. J. (2015). “Does the nature of the relationship really matter? An analysis of the roles of loyalty and involvement in service recovery processes”Service BusinessVol. 9 (2), págs. 297-320.

Cambra, J., Melero, I. y Sesé, F. J. (2014). “From dissatisfied customers to evangelists of the firm: a study of the Spanish mobile service sector“,  Business Research Quarterly, Vol. 17, págs. 191-204.

Cambra, J., Melero, I. y Vázquez, R. (2013). “Customer engagement: innovation in non-technical marketing processes”Innovation Management, Policy and Practice, Vol.13, págs.326-336.


Asignaturas a impartir curso 2020-2021:

  • Dirección Comercial I (Grados de ADE y DADE)
  • Comportamiento del Consumidor (Máster Universitario en Dirección, Estrategia y Marketing)
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