

Blanca I. Hernández es Doctora por la Universidad de Zaragoza y Profesora Titular de Universidad en el área de Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

Su investigación se centra en el ámbito nuevas tecnologías de la información y el comercio electrónico, tratando temas como la aceptación y difusión de innovaciones, la facturación electrónica, la co-creación de experiencias entre individuos y la generación de compromiso (engagement).

En la actualidad es Vicedecana de Estudiantes y Empleo de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa y Directora de la Cátedra APL, de Planificación y Gestión Logística.

Dirección: Facultad de Economía y Empresa (Campus Río Ebro), Edificio Lorenzo Normante, María de Luna s/n, CP:50018, Zaragoza


Publicaciones más relevantes:

B Hernández-Ortega, H San Martín, Á Herrero, JL Franco (2020), “What, how and when? Exploring the influence of firm-generated content on popularity in a tourism destination context”, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Vol. 18, in press.

B Hernandez-Ortega (2020), “What about “U”? The influence of positive online consumer reviews on the individual’s perception of consumption benefits”, Online Information Review, in press.

Á Herrero, B Hernández-Ortega, H San Martín (2020), “Potential funders’ motivations in reward-based crowdfunding. The influence of project attachment and business viability”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 106, in press.

B Hernández-Ortega (2020), “When the performance comes into play: The influence of positive online consumer reviews on individuals’ post-consumption responses”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 113, in press.

H San Martín, B Hernández, Á Herrero (2020), “Social Consciousness and Perceived Risk as Drivers of Crowdfunding as a Socially Responsible Investment in Tourism”, Journal of Travel Research, in press.

L Chavez, C Ruiz, R Curras, B Hernandez (2020), “The Role of Travel Motivations and Social Media Use in Consumer Interactive Behaviour: A Uses and Gratifications Perspective”, Sustainability, Vol. 12 No. 21, in press.

J Borraz-Mora, B Hernandez-Ortega, M Melguizo-Garde (2020), “The influence of generic-academic competences on satisfaction and loyalty: the view of two key actors in higher education”, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, Vol. 42 No. 5, 563-578.

M Guinaliu-Blasco, B Hernández-Ortega, JL Franco (2019), “The effect of cognitive absorption on marketing learning performance”, Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, Vol. 23 No. 2, 249-271.

B Hernandez-Ortega (2019) “Not so positive, please! Effects of online consumer reviews on evaluations during the decision-making process”, Internet Research, Vol. 29 No. 4, pp. 606-637.

B Hernández-Ortega, JL Franco (2019) “Developing a new conceptual framework for experience and value creation”, Service Business, Vol.13 No. 2, 225-248.

Bigne, E., Andreu, L., Hernandez, B. y Ruiz, C. (2018) “The impact of social media and offline influences on consumer behaviour. An analysis of the low-cost airline industry”, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol. 21(9), 1014-1032.

Hernández, B. (2018), “Don’t believe strangers: Online consumer reviews and the role of social psychological distance“Information & Management, Vol. 55(1), 31-50.

Hernandez-Ortega, B., Aldas-Manzano, J., Ruiz-Mafe, C., y Sanz-Blas, S. (2017), “Perceived value of advanced mobile messaging services: A cross-cultural comparison of Greek and Spanish users”, Information Technology & People, Vol. 30(2), 324-355.

Blasco-Arcas, L., Hernandez-Ortega, B. I., y Jimenez-Martinez, J. (2016), “Engagement platforms: The role of emotions in fostering customer engagement and brand image in interactive media”,Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Vol. 26(5), 559-589.

Bigné Alcañiz, E., Ruiz Mafé, C., Andreu Simó, L. y Hernández Ortega, B. (2015), “The role of social motivations, ability and opportunity in online know-how exchanges: Evidence from the airlines services industry”. Service Business, Vol. 9(2), 209-232.

Sanz Blas, S., Ruiz Mafé, C., Pérez Pérez, I., y Hernández Ortega, B. (2014), <a «href=»″» target=»_blank» style=»color: rgb(41, 112, 166); text-decoration: none;» rel=»noopener noreferrer»>“The Influence of Culture on Behavior in the Purchase of Online Tourist Products: The Case of Spain and Mexico”, Innovar, Vol. 24(54), 153-165.

Hernández, B., Serrano, C., Gómez, F. (2014),“ The firm’s continuance intentions to use inter-organizational ICTs: The influence of contingency factors and perceptions”Information & Management , Vol. 51 (6), 747-761

Blasco, L., Hernández, B. y Jiménez, J. (2014), “The online purchase as a context for co-creating experiences: drivers of and consequences for customer behavior”Internet ResearchVol. 24(3), 393-412.

Blasco-Arcas, L., Hernández-Ortega, B. y Jiménez-Martínez, J. (2014), “Collaborating online: the role of interactivity and personalization”, The Service Industries JournalVol. 34(8), 677-698.

Blasco-Arcas, L., Hernández-Ortega, B. y Jiménez-Martínez, J. (2013),”Adopting televisión as a new channel for e-commerce. The influence of interactive technologies on consumer behavior“,  Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 13, 457-475.

Blasco-Arcas, L. , Buil, I. , Hernández-Ortega y Sesé, F.J. (2013) “Using clickers in class. The role of interactivity, active collaborative learning and engagement in learning performance”Computers and Education, Vol.62, 102-110.

Hernández, B. y Jiménez, J. (2013) “Performance of e-Invoicing in Spanish Firms”, Information Systems and e-Business Management, Vol.11(3), 457-480.

Ruiz-Mafe, C., Sanz-Blas, S., Hernández-Ortega, B., Brethouwer, M. (2013) “Key drivers of consumer purchase of airline tickets: A cross-cultural analysis”. Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol.27, 11-14.

Buil, I., Hernández, B., Sesé, J., y Urquizu, P. (2012), “Los foros de discusión y sus beneficios en la docencia virtual: recomendaciones para un uso eficiente”, Innovar, Vol.22(43), 131-144.

Hernández, B. (2012), “Key factors for the adoption and subsequent use of e-invoicing”, Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración (ARLA), Vol.50.

Hernández, B. (2011), “The role of post-use trust in the acceptance of a technology: Drivers and consequences”, Technovation, Vol. 31 (10-11), 523-538.

Hernández, B., Montaner, T., Sesé, J. y Urquizu, P. (2011), “The role of social motivations in e-learning: How do they affect usage and success of ICT interactive tools?”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 7(6), 2224-2232.

Blasco, L., Aznar, J.I., Hernández, B., y Ruiz, J. (2011), “IPTV as a services distribution channer: The importance of interactivity and personalization in the purchasing of news-on-demand packages”, Industrial Management and Data Systems,Vol. 11(9), 1381-1398.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2011), “Age, Gender and Income: Do they Really Moderate Online Shopping Behavior?”, Online Information Review, Vol. 35 (1), 113-133.

Bigné, E., Hernández, B., Ruiz, C., y Andreu, L. (2010), “How motivation, opportunity and ability drive online airline ticket purchases”, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 16 (6), 346-349.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2010), “The Influence of Website Quality on its traffic rank. The Case of e-Banking in Spain”, Information Research, Vol.15 (2), paper 429.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J., y Martín, M.J. (2010), “Business management software in high-tech firms: The case of the IT services sector”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 25, (2), 132-146.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2010), “Customer Behavior in Electronic Commerce: The Moderating Effect of e-Purchasing Experience”, Journal of Business Research Vol. 63 (9-10), 964-971.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2009), “Key Website Factors in e-Business Strategy”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 29 (5), 362-371.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2009), “The Impact of Self-Efficacy, Ease of Use and Usefulness on e-Purchasing: An Analysis of Experienced e-Shoppers”, Interacting with Computers, Vol. 21 (1-2), 146-156.

Hernández, B. y Serrano, C. (2009), “¿Qué induce a las empresas a adoptar facturación electrónica? Efecto de las percepciones y del entorno competitivo”, Universia Business Review, Vol. 24, 96-121.

Hernández, B.; Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2009), “Future use intentions versus intensity of use: An analysis of corporate technology acceptance”, ” Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 38, 338-354.

Hernández, B.; Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2009), “Adoption vs Acceptance of e-Commerce: Two Different Decisions”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 43 (9), 1232-1245.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J., y Martín, M.J. (2008), “Differences between potential, new and experienced e-customers: analysis of e-purchasing behavior”, Internet Research, Vol. 18 (3), 248-265.

Hernández, B., Jiménez, J. y Martín, M.J. (2008), “Extending the  Technology Acceptance Model to Include the IT Decision-Maker: A  Study of Business Management Software”, Technovation, Vol. 28 (3), 112-121.


Asignaturas de Grado:

Grado en Finanzas y Contabilidad:

Grado en Marketing e Investigación de Mercados:

Asignaturas de Postgrado:

Máster Universitario en Dirección, Estrategia y Marketing

Máster Propio en Operaciones Productivas y Logísticas-ERP

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